New Release

RealityCapture now supports direct import of Leica BLK3D

With the latest release of RealityCapture 1.1 Blaze the import of Leica BLK3D image group files are supported.

Leica BLK3D is a simple handheld device with a size of a smartphone with two 10 Mpx cameras. These two cameras are synchronously capturing images; hence you are basically capturing volumetric images.

Since it is capturing images sequentially the file needs to be imported into RealityCapture as video. The great benefit is that as the distance between these two cameras is known, RealityCapture uses this information and automatically scales your scene.

After the initial alignment of the images, the user can already create measurements on the sparse point cloud, without the need to perform any other tasks. The scene is scaled to exact measurements.

The device itself and the possibility to do exact measurements on quickly created sparse point cloud or mesh in RealityCapture brings great benefits to many industries. For example, construction, architecture or in the car crash scene investigation.

Discover more about RealityCapture 1.1 Blaze

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